Friars Primary School and Nursery
Constable Way, Shoeburyness, Essex, SS3 9XX - 01702 294837
Part of the Portico Academy Trust.
opening doors, unlocking potential
The government have made it possible for settings to change the type of nursery childcare offered to working parents of 3 to 4 year olds. We thought it would be a good opportunity to gain some information about the types of childcare that would be best for you and your family.
Some parents will qualify for 30 hours of funded nursery childcare. To see if this could apply to you please see the information below.
If parents meet the following criteria, they are eligible for 30 hours funded nursery childcare:
Both parents are working (or the sole parent is working in a one parent family)
They earn or expect to earn at least the equivalent to 16 hours at National Minimum or Living Wage over the coming three months. This equates to £115 a week (or about £6,300 a year) for each parent over 25 years old or £111.20 a week (or about £5,700 a year) for each parent between 21 and 24 years old.
They have an annual income which is less than £100,000 per parent
Where one parent meets the income criteria and the other is unable to work because they are disabled, have caring responsibilities or have been assessed as having limited capability to work
If a non-EEA national, the parent must have recourse to public funds.
Children of parents/carers who are not eligible for the 30 hours will still receive the usual 15 hours of nursery provision. It would be really helpful if you could please take a moment to complete the questions by clicking on the following link, as this will mean we can make an informed decision about the nursery childcare we provide in the future.
Our Nursery is filled with lots of wonderful play experiences and opportunities for learning and growing through each child’s own interests. We focus on the prime areas of learning by developing your child’s personal, social and emotional skills. This will help them to feel confident and to achieve their potential in all areas of learning. We will nurture their communication and language skills and encourage their physical development through fun, play based activities. We will also introduce the children to the specific areas of learning, which are literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.
During your child’s time in the Nursery we will record many of their achievements through a ‘Learning Journey’, which is a working document that records your child’s development. You are welcome to contribute to this at any time by sharing ‘Wow Moments’ with us, or letting us know special achievements during our weekly stay and play sessions.
Towards the end of the academic year we will take part in transition activities with our Reception classes to make your child’s journey into school life as smooth and happy as possible.