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Celebration Assembly 17th March 2023

It has been a great week at Friars, with the children really enjoying their learning but also displaying key attributes of resilience, perseverance and knowledge recall to produce some great results in their spring term assessments. It was also great to finish the week off with some hilarious jokes as we celebrated Red Nose Day on Friday.

KS1 certificates

This week our Year 1 awards were mostly presented around the children’s English work. These were awarded for;

  • Writing independently using their sounds

  • Lots of effort in their work

  • Super writing

  • Awesome reading

Year 2 children were similarly awarded for great reasons including;

  • Improvements in writing

  • Greater independent working

  • Being all round superstars who are always ready to learn

Buddy Awards

Just two Buddy Awards this week but Gracie and Tommy proved that its quality not quantity that mattered as they were awarded our Buddy Awards for making a friend an amazing costume and for being a great role model to others.

Thank you Gracie and Tommy

Key word certificates

Despite everything else going on in school, it was great to see that children are still putting in the effort to learn their key words each week. Well done to this group of happy children for earning their latest key word certificate.

KS2 certificates

Key Stage 2 has been immensely busy this week as the children tackled their spring assessments tests and Year 6 even had a practice SATs week. We are so proud of all of the children for their effort and attitude towards these tests….they never cease to amaze us!

In Year 3 the children impressed their teachers by their…

  • Amazing designing skills

  • Listening to instructions

  • Super reading

  • Engagement in learning

Over in Year 4 it was a similar story with certificates awarded for;

  • Being polite and respectful

  • Overall enthusiasm

  • Perseverance in maths

  • Having a brilliant attitude to learning

In Upper Key stage, Year 5 awards were given for;

  • Having a brilliant first swimming lesson

  • Great multiplication work

  • Having a super, positive attitude towards the tests

While Year 6 were recognised for equally good reasons including;

  • Fabulous Mayan learning

  • Successful addition and subtraction of fractions

  • Brilliant writing in science

Computing Class of the Week

The Computing Class of the week went to Class 4D this week for successfully overcoming some IT technical problems in their lesson. Mrs Pinckney presented the award to Ava, the class digital leader, who accepted the trophy on behalf of her class.

Special Assembly Shout Outs

There was a special assembly shout out from Mrs Dyer for Bessie, Tilly, Parker, Billy, Harrison and Everly in Year 4 who helped her stamp and give out, new dictionaries and thesaurus to all of the classes from Year 2 to Year 6. Mrs Dyer said she ‘couldn't have done it as quickly without them’. Thank you to all of you.


It was Class 2B who won the KS1 Attendance Cup again this week with 96.3%. They also had the best attendance in the school, as Class 6G won the KS2 Attendance Cup with 94.6%.

Our whole school attendance figure again stood at 92% this week. We sincerely hope that some better weather will also bring some better health for our children as lots of bugs and illnesses still seem to be hanging around.

Team Cups

Stirling and Windsor have dominated the Team Cups for the last few weeks and it was the same this week as Stirling secured the KS1 Team Cup again and Windsor retained the KS2 Team Cup.

The race for The Friars Cup is opening up now as Stirling stay out in front and become the first team past the 700 points mark. However, the chasing pack, led by Stormont all have over 600 points now and there are still plenty of points to win as we head into the summer term.

Today was our Red Nose Day and the children were invited to bring in their best jokes…here are a selection of our favourites.

What is black and white and goes round and round?

A penguin in a washing machine

What did one toilet say to the other toilet?

"you're looking a little flushed!"

What type of insect is bad at football?

A fumble-bee

How do you open a banana?

With a Mon-key

Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?

To get to the bottom

Well done to all of our winners this week!


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