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Celebration Assembly - 1st October 2021

Well done to all of our KS1 certificate winners this week who impressed their teachers enough to earn an achievement award for their hard work.

Our Buddy award winners were nominated by their peers for being good friends and for helping others! Thank you to our 3 Buddies below.

Well done, to our certificate winners in KS2 this week, as always they have demonstrated our learning skills throughout all of their work to get good results. Thank you for your efforts KS2!

The children below also earned special awards for helping Miss Gibbons during her assembly this week.

This week in KS1, the Team Cup was won by Stormont, our green team. In KS2, Caernarfon, our yellow team, took the win!

The KS1 attendance cup was won by 1B this week who recorded 99.3%, while Class 3JD managed to stop Year 5’s winning streak with a fantastic 98.6%.

Our PE Superstars this week were Caleb Davies in Year 1, for his great performance in the cross-country competition this week and Spencer Mackenzie in Year 4 for showing a great improvement in hockey. Class 6G won the class award for brilliant teamwork and fair play in sport.

A huge well done to all of our winners this week!


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