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Celebration Assembly – 3rd December 2021

This week we celebrated all of the great things of the week at Friars as a whole school but instead of doing it face to face this week we did our assembly virtually as we had some other exciting news to share with the children.

As we went round each of our classes, each class teacher ‘unmuted’ their microphone to share their certificate winners and we heard how awards were given for super maths including successfully completing challenging algebra, learning the 10x table and great recording of number bonds and amazing English work by putting in extra reading effort at home and creating brilliant pieces of persuasive writing.

There were also certificates given to the children recognised for helping others, having a brilliant attitude to work, going the extra mile, working their socks off and coming up with really great ideas about how we can respect each other.

Class 4S were recognised for their focus, enthusiasm and creativity during the ‘Keymed’ sponsored ‘Glider Challenge’ that they completed this week and one of our Year 1 children was awarded for designing a brilliant ‘ski-suit’ during the class topic work about Antarctica.

The final class certificates were given to our library helpers for their valuable help keeping the library tidy and well organised and three children who have shown super enthusiastic learning at home and are just all round wonderful class members!

Our PE Superstars this week were our Panathlon swimming team who went to the Olympic Aquatic Centre, Stratford and performed brilliantly to come back to school proudly brandishing their 3rd place trophy. Well done to Frankee, Valentino, Ella, Mohammad, Jonathon, Riley, Hamish and Brodie - our Team Friars, on this brilliant achievement.

We also heard how much of a focus Year 3 have been putting on improving their handwriting and overall presentation and the teachers handed out certificates in acknowledgement of the children’s hard work in this area. We also gave out 4 pen licences this week for consistently super joined handwriting so well done to Louis (3JD) and Jaimee-Rae, Gracie and Lottie (all 4S) for earning these special awards.

There was just the one Buddy award this week. Well done and thank you to Harvey in Year 1 for always being kind and positive.

Special assembly shout outs went to all of Year 1, classes 2B and 2S and our always fabulous, Year 6 lunchtime helpers from this week, Tyler H, Brooke and Betsie.

Class 1C won the KS1 Attendance Cup with 96% and Class 4S were awarded the KS2 Attendance Cup recording 96.7%. The best attendance in the school this week was achieved by Owls class in Reception with 97.9%.

It was a double winning week for Caernarfon, who won the team points cup in both KS1 and KS2. Yellow is most definitely the colour this week!

Congratulations to all of our winners this week!

We also took this whole school presence to introduce this year’s Christmas Chocolate raffle. This was received very excitedly by the children and they all seem very excited to purchase some tickets from Monday next week. Please see the individual flyer that came home with the children or our weekly newsletter for more details.


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