Celebration Assembly 8th September 2023
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
Making a super start to the year
For remembering lots of phonics and always trying hard
For being super keen for learning
For thinking about animals in science
For great explanations in science
For independently writing a story
Buddy Awards
Buddy awards went to:
Harrison for being really quick to help others all week
Ethan for sharing some of his snack
Ivy for being super helpful at tidy up time
Beth for being super smiley and always being happy
KS1 Computing Award
This week the award was presented to 2S. Congratulations 2S!
KS2 Awards
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children for:
Excellent presentation
Amazing starts to the new year and being fantastic role models
Trying hard and listening carefully to instructions
Being keen to answer questions and giving detailed responses
Making an excellent start at a new school
Using prior learning really well
Great English work
100% focus and effort
KS2 Computing Award
This week the award was presented to 4S. Congratulations 4S!
Attendance was good across the school in this first week with 7 of our 12 classes achieving 96% or better. This meant that overall for the whole school we were above 96%!
The best attendance was achieved by 1MV with a perfect 100%. In Key Stage 2 it was 3B who walked away with the trophy with 99.3%. Great job 1MV and 3B!
Team Points
Back at the end of last academic year the Friars Cup was presented to Stirling. Stirling had led for a long time but their gap narrowed significantly after the sports day… showing that the Friars Cup is always there to play for right up to the end of the year.
Each September we obviously start again with a blank scoreboard and this week there has been a flurry of points… and that has seen Caernarfon take a very early lead. Last year’s winners Stirling are in a surprising 4th place. However, it is very, very early days!
Well done to all of our winners this week!