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Thriftwood Day 2

After a very early start, (the first voices started at 3:30am) it has been another fabulous day. The children got their day off to a great start with a hearty cooked breakfast including bacon, eggs and toast. There were also some happy birthday celebrations for Dhianna and Amelia who turn 10 today!

During the day, the children had more time for activities, some children took on the Cresta run, others tackled the climbing wall, some groups explored the cave bus, and both teachers and children whizzed down the zip wire. It was lovely to hear children saying things like ‘we all helped each other’ as they challenged themselves and worked brilliantly together.

Lunch was a build your own sandwich event….and it was great to even see some creativity put into lunch! The children also got to enjoy a birthday cupcake, curtesy of our birthday girls!

During the afternoon, there were more activities and every child got the chance to whittle their own ‘stick pet’ to take home after learning some new whittling skills with Mr Brady.

After the activities the children were very excited to visit the tuck shop to spend their money and our camp is now full of footballs, frisbees, whistles, pencils, candy floss, ice creams, water bottles, pens, badges and amazingly, even more sweets!

After dinner and showers, we will be having our campfire singsong, before we hope the children settle for a slightly earlier night. In theory, they should be exhausted….in reality…well, we will let you know tomorrow!!


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