Celebration Assembly
Well done to all of the children earning an achievement leaf this week for impressing their teachers or being a good ‘buddy’. There were lots of great reasons including amazing poetry, super maths, being a great friend to everyone and settling into their new classrooms brilliantly.

There were also a great number of children achieving a Rainbow Reader sticker for reading at home – Congratulations to these children and don’t forget that it’s never too late to earn an award. One of our children, when asked what they needed to do to earn a Rainbow reader sticker, kept it very simple by saying that you just need to “read, read and read some more.” Perfectly explained!

There was an amazing occurrence in the KS1 team points as all four teams had equal points at the end of the week. Well done to Windsor, Stirling, Carnarvon and Stormont for sharing the cup. We had the loudest set of 3 cheers ever heard and only just managed to fit all of the ribbons onto the cup as you can see!

The attendance cup was also shared in KS1 this week with classes 1GJ and 2B both reaching 98.8% attendance. Well done!
KS2 Assembly
Congratulations to all of the children earning achievement leaves this week for such great reasons as perseverance, determination to succeed, working hard across all subjects and for achieving their pen licences. Well done to you all!