Celebration Assemblies
After a couple of busy weeks dominated by Christmas events, we returned to our usual celebration assemblies this week.
Key Stage 1
Well done to all of the children earning an achievement leaf for such great reasons as attitude to work, making the right choices, working hard to get good results and for modelling great concentration or voice during our Nativity rehearsals.
Our four Buddy leaf winners were nominated by their peers for being good friends and helping others. Thank you for being kind!
We were amazed at all of the hard work that has been going on at home this week as we awarded over 30 key word certificates and over 20 Rainbow Reader stickers. Well done to all of the children receiving an award. Special congratulations go to Bradley for achieving his gold medal for learning all of his key words.
The attendance cup was won by 2SD for the first time this year with 97.9%
In KS1, Caernarfon won the team cup
Key Stage 2
Congratulations to all of our KS2 winners this week who were awarded achievement certificates for demonstrating independence, resilience and perseverance in their work. A special mention goes to Amy for receiving her full pen licence and to our Boccia and Kurling teams that were given sporting achievement certificates for their performances at the competitions this week.
The KS2 attendance cup was awarded to 3PL with 99.3%, the best attendance in the school.
Stirling won the KS2 team cup this week.