Celebration Assembly
On Monday we celebrated our good school attendance. Mr Roche explained how our attendance is important to help, not just our learning but also friendships, collaboration with others and to get us into a good habits for later life.
We started by hearing about our whole school attendance which was 96.4% for the last term. Key Stage 1 achieved 96.2% and Key Stage 2 reached 96.6%. All of these figures were above our 96% target.
We then found out the best classes for attendance during the autumn term. Well done to 3T who achieved 98.5% attendance and won a tub of chocolates towards their Christmas party. They were run very closely by Owls, 2B, 3PL and 5VW who all managed over 97%.
We then drew our attendance raffle tickets. For those of you who don’t know how this works, if your child is in school for the whole week, they receive a raffle ticket that then goes into our termly draw. Well done to all of our winners who won some great prizes, including chocolate Santas, Kids shopping vouchers and Sea-life Centre tickets kindly donated by our PTA.
Let’s keep up the good work and see if we can achieve even greater attendance during the Spring and Summer terms.