Celebration Assemblies 5th and 12th November 2021
Over the last two week’s we have seen a range of certificates given out across KS1 and KS2 for such brilliant reasons as demonstrating resilience, working independently, showing much greater confidence, brilliant effort, having a great attitude to work, answering tricky questions, learning their times tables, improving handwriting and generally being an all-round brilliant learner!
We also gave out over 41 keyword certificates across Year 2 – a fantastic effort!
Well done to all of our winners in KS1 and KS2 over the last fortnight.

Special congratulations go to Poppy who earned her pen licence and Chazo who was our PE superstar this week.
Our KS1 Buddy awards went to the children that had been comforting others when they have been upset, looking after new children to our school or helping other children to do up their zips. Well done and thank you to our buddies, you make our school a kind and caring place.

This week Mr Telling recognised the acheivements of Class 2B who won the class PE award for great aptitude and attiude to their PE lessons.
Over the last two weeks special assembly shout outs have gone to Brodie, Maddie and Gabrielle (Year 6), Chazo (3JD) Aime (1B), Edward (4B), Luca (1B), Jenna, Ava, Molly and Sydney (Year 6), Bradley H, Frankee, Ryan, Logan, Alvie and AJ (3ML),
There were also special mentions to the children that played such a big part in our Remembrance Assembly and displays this year.
Every single year group who participated in the Remembrance art display, were recognised by Miss Gibbons, especially Rowan & Ellie-Mae who helped back and cut out some of the poppy display.
Maddie, Emily, Jazmin, Hannah, Mikaylla, Maisie, Freyaa, Harvey Ross, Harvey VS, Tyler, Maxwell, Gabrielle, Grace, Saffiyah, Kayleigh who all rehearsed and spoke their best at the Remembrance Assembly and Mrs. Monk who covered Mrs Dyer’s lessons so they could practise together.
Finally Mrs Dyer, acknowledged the respectful and sensible behaviour of all of the children watching the assembly, in particular Year 2 children who were attending for the first time.
In Key Stage 1, the Attendance Cup was reclaimed by Class 1B with 97%
6G won the Key Stage 2 Attendance Cup with a best in school, figure of 97.3%
In KS1 and KS2 the team cup was won by Windsor, our red team!
Congratulations to all of our winners over the last two weeks!