Celebration Assembly 13th October 2023
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
Being ready to learn and acting on advice
Developing confidence with maths and writing
Writing a well-structured story independently
Working hard with independent ideas during story writing
Being confident when solving problems
Being super helpful during tidy-up time
Acting as good role model for others
Super phonics and reading lots at home
Buddy Awards
Buddy awards went to:
Harry in 2S and Harry B and Ava in 1B
KS2 Awards
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children for:
Perseverance and applying new skills
Trying one’s best
Art skills and drawing
Working hard to achieve a good result in Newspaper writing
Additional maths work and perseverance
Adding extra details in writing
Super English work
Excellent focus
Excellent progress in handwriting
Super participation and collaborative work in PE
A better week for attendance with the school’s average standing at over 95%. This week’s winners were 1MV and 6L – congratulations.
It really has been a brilliant term for 1MV. They have won every week except last week!
Seven of our KS1 and KS2 classes were above 95% this week – with four of them above 96%. Here’s to a very healthy final week before the holiday.
Team Points
Caernarfon continue to be out in front but this week’s big story was Stormont who amassed a huge weekly total. Whilst Caernarfon won in KS1, Stormont won in KS2. This saw Stormont close the gap overall.
Approaching the end of the half-term, it is certain that Caernarfon will be the first team to break the 200-point barrier. Could another team do so too?