Celebration Assembly - 19th November 2021
In KS1 this week, we celebrated some brilliant work and heard how certificates had been awarded for such brilliant reasons as… great focus on early morning work, super phonics, participation in reading and settling into our classes so well. Other children were recognised for trying hard with spelling and handwriting and for generally being an all-round great pupil!
In KS2, certificates were awarded for a host of reasons including working hard in every single lesson, outstanding history work when building hill forts, independent and brilliant writing and for listening well to apply their learning in maths problem solving work.
Special congratulations go to Callum who earned his pen licence for consistently good handwriting and Corey who earned a special recognition award for his brilliant work as a playground leader, supporting our younger children at playtimes. Valentino, Adas and Maxwell collected computing awards this week.
Our PE superstar of the week was Alicia in Year 3, while the PE class of the week was 5BW who showed super teamwork and sportsmanship.
With the theme of our anti-bullying week being ‘one, kind word’ it was great to see so many lovely things happening across our school to reflect how kind and respectful our children are to each other. Our KS1 Buddy awards were awarded for helping others, helping a friend in class and for telling somebody that they always make them smile. In KS2, many of our certificates were given around our anti-bullying week and included awards for being a great role model, being polite and helpful and for demonstrating superb manners. Thank you to all of our buddies for making our school a place full of many kind words!
Special assembly shout outs went to Bow and Emilia (3ML), Lewis (5VW), the whole of Class 4S, Thomas (5VW), Kyle (5BW) and Phoebe and Patrycja (Year 6).
Miss Gibbon’s also recognised the amazing effort and progress of Class 6G in their Bikeability sessions this week.
In Key Stage 1, the Attendance Cup was won by Class 2S with 95.3%, while in KS2 Class 3JD achieved a perfect 100% to take the Key Stage 2 Attendance Cup. Fabulous job 3JD!
In KS1, Stirling, our blue team won the Team Cup and in KS2, Caernarfon, the yellows, took the cup.
Congratulations to all of our winners in this very special week!