Celebration Assembly – 20th January 2023
It was a very cold week but that didn’t stop the children at Friars from being brilliant as always, with another great selection of awards given out in our celebration assembly.
KS1 awards
Year 1 certificates were awarded for;
Settling to early morning work quickly
Always concentrating on learning and working independently
Being a great role model by always sitting smartly on the carpet, ready for learning
Working independently on their science work about winter.
Year 2 certificates were equally as great, being awarded for’
Always doing their best and being brilliant in all of their work
Responding well to feedback to improve their learning
Giving super effort in English and maths, all week
Perfect handwriting and being ready to join letters
Buddy awards
Each week our Buddy Awards are nominated by our children. This week these children were seen looking after other people when they were upset, drawing a picture for a friend to say thank you and being helpful at playtimes.
These all sound like great reasons to earn a Buddy award…well done and thank you for being a great example to the other children in your class!
Key Word Certificates
We awarded 19 key word certificates this week – well done everybody!
Rainbow Readers
Well done to Teo and Harry in 1BR for earning their green and indigo Rainbow Reader awards respectively this week. An excellent achievement for all of the reading you are doing at home.
KS2 Awards
Yet again a great set of certificates awarded in KS2, right across the curriculum and for a range of great reasons.
In Year 3 our certificates were awarded for;
Creative, innovative poetry
Building confidence and taking more learning risks
Beautiful handwriting
Always being engaged, hardworking and involved in lessons
Huge improvement in behaviour and making good choices
In Years 4 we heard about;
Putting learning into practice
Trying hard, applying learning and improving understanding
Improving writing by listening to feedback
Focusing on school work despite having a new baby brother at home
Years 5 received their awards for;
A fantastic understanding of column addition
Improved pace and quantity in writing
For overcoming their fears about swimming, to grow in confidence
For increased confidence in maths
It was a similar story in Year 6 as children received awards for;
Maths improvements in times tables
Answering and asking amazing questions in layered reading
Writing super Rosa Parks newspaper reports
Being a fabulous all round learner
Amazing area and perimeter work in maths
This week our mathemagicians were Jessica (5BW) and Riley (6B) who wowed Mrs Pinckney with their perseverance, increased confidence and independence in their maths lessons. A great job by both of you!
Computing Class of the Week
The Computing Class of the week were Class 4D who showed great attitude and commitment to trying new things as they got to grips with the new concepts in their computing lesson. As their digital leader, Kendrick collected the award on behalf of his class.
Special Assembly Shout Outs
Shout outs went to Taylor, Rosie and Jessica (5BW) and Riley (6B) for being all round brilliant this week!
Sports Superstars
Our Sports Superstars were our ‘Sports Hall Athletics’ team that represented the school so well at Garons. Well done to you all and thank you for doing the school proud this week.
Our whole school attendance stood at 95.2% this week.
Class 2S won the KS1 Attendance Cup with 96.7%, while up in KS2, we had a perfect week from Class 4S who recorded the magical 100% to win the KS2 Attendance Cup.
Well done 4S, a great achievement!
Team Points
Team points have been held over until next week, so it’s a rollover next Friday and even more points to be earned.
Will Stirling be the first team past the 500 points mark?
Will Stormont hold onto 2nd place?
Who will be in fourth place Windsor or Caernarfon?
All will be revealed here next Friday.
Congratulations to all of our winners this week!