Celebration Assembly 21st June 2024
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
showing confidence in trying something new in D&T
excellent effort in writing
growing confidence in maths
fantastic descriptive writing
amazing descriptive writing
writing a great conclusion
excellent independence in writing
good reading comprehension
Buddy Awards went to… Oliver in 1B, Eddie in 2G and Harry in 2S.
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our children for writing, editing, resilience, the Year 3 educational visit on Monday, showing perseverance and working hard in the NFER tests.
They seem to be very regular winners… but in Key Stage 1 it was another victory for 1MV with a winning percentage of 97.5%. Good going 1MV!
In Key Stage 2 our winners were slightly higher than 1MV at 97.9%... and this week it was first place for 4S!
Well done to both 1MV and 4S. With only four weeks left, it is not long until we give out the summer term’s attendance badges!
Team Points
Our leaders Windsor stretched their lead a little this week. With only four weeks to go until the Friars Cup is awarded, can anyone catch them?
Overall winners this week were Windsor and they took the honours in Key Stage 2. In Key Stage 1 it was a win for Caernarfon.
Come on Caernarfon, Sterling and Stormont… you could still do it.