Celebration Assembly – 21st October 2022
Today’s assembly was a huge celebration of our first half term!
Special Half-Termly Awards
At the end of each half term we give out special certificates to the children that have particularly impressed their teachers, not just in a week but across the whole half term. It was a really tricky job but a huge well done to….
Edward (1BR), Gracie (1BU), Casey (2S), Ralph (2B), Logan (3JD), Cecilia (3MV), Joshua (4D), Harley (4S), Ivy-Rose (5A), Alfie P (5BW), Bella (6G) and Oliver G (6B).
These children have all acted as brilliant role models to other children by demonstrating great listening, great attitude, 100% effort, great manners, great behaviour, great enthusiasm, great independence, great perseverance and greatly improved confidence….in fact it’s fair to say that they have been ‘great’ all round brilliant learners!
Weekly Achievement Certificates
Year 1 children were recognised for their brilliant Diwali model making and Rangoli patterns and for working so well together to get great results.
Year 2 children had shown excellent effort in maths, great involvement in maths lesson’s and 100% effort in everything they do.
Well done KS1.

Year 3 children were awarded for going above and beyond in writing, for maths presentation and for adapting so well to only being able to work with one arm, while the other was in plaster.
Year 4 children were equally brilliant, as we heard how they are always focused, always react positively to feedback, always work hard for good results and always concentrate on brilliant presentation.
In Year 5 the children were awarded for their expressive letter writing and great word choices when writing as soldiers, for much improved handwriting, for using their maths skills so well to conduct a science experiment and for always working hard.
While Year 6 children received awards for the figurative language used in their poetry this week and for successfully working collaboratively when undertaking a ‘quilling’ art project.

Great Job KS2!
Buddy awards
Our KS1 Buddy awards were given for always playing nicely with friends and for being happy and helpful around the classroom. Thank you Buddies!

Rainbow Readers
There were another 53 key word certificates awarded this week, while Red Rainbow Reader awards went to Albie, Molly, Oscar, Ralph, Ozzy while Harrison earnt his orange Rainbow reader award. Super reading at home Year Twos!
Computer Class of the Week
Mrs Pinckney awarded the Computer Class of the week award to 2B this week for being all round brilliant computer whizz kids.
Lexie collected the award on behalf of 2B.

Mrs Pinckney also introduced us to our new team of digital leaders – well done to everybody who applied.

Pen Licences
A huge well done to Ryan in Year 4 for earning his pen licence this week. All of your hard work has paid off!

Sports Superstars
This week our Sports Superstars were Class 2S for their brilliant displays in their PE lesson which really impressed their PE coaches. Great work 2S!
School Council
The School Councillors were very proud to receive their official badges this week. Congratulations and thank you for putting yourselves forward to share the ‘pupil voice’ at Friars. We are looking forward to hearing your great ideas!

Assembly Shout-Outs
An assembly shout out goes to Eddie in 1BU for always being helpful at tidy up time. Thanks Eddie!
Our KS1 Attendance Cup went to Class 1BU with 97.5% and the KS2 Attendance Cup went to Class 4D with 97.4%. Our whole school attendance stood at 93% this week.
Team Points
There were very close battles in both KS1 and KS2 this week, as Windsor and Stormont won the weekly Team Cups.
Stirling are still in the lead at the end of the first half-term – Well done Stirling!

Congratulations to all of our winners this week!