Celebration Assembly 22nd October 2021
This week in KS1, our certificate winners were nominated for a range of great reasons including outstanding writing using conjunctions, listening carefully and for always having a great attitude to work and being happy in school. Well done to our KS1 winners.

In KS2 it was a similar story, with awards given for perseverance and effort across the curriculum. There were also some special certificates awarded by Mrs Pinckney for outstanding computing across the half term.

This week we also gave out lots of pen licences for consistently brilliant handwriting. Congratulations to McKenzie, Alfie, Logan, Riley, Oliver, Ellie and Lucy all from Year 5. Some awards were also given out for brilliant homework based around our Black History Month project. This work will form a brand new display around our school.
Our KS1 buddy awards went to the children that had been looking after others, have been kind and caring and that always make their friends smile. Well done and thank you for being great friends!

This week Mr Telling recognised the achievements of Class 2B who won the class PE award and our Ten Bowling Team who were awarded our Sports Superstars award after their 4th place finish in the competition this week.

Special assembly shout outs this week went to Toby (3JD), Harley (3JD), Kady and Hannah (Year 6) and the school choir and our Year 2 readers who lit up our Harvest Festival Assembly with their brilliant performances.
In Key Stage 1, the Attendance Cup was won by Class 2B with 96.6%
While the KS2 Attendance Cup was won again by a year 5 class, with 5BW recording an impressive figure of 98.3%

In KS1 this week the team cup was shared by Stormont (Green), Windsor (Red) and Stirling (Blue) teams. While Stormont made it a double celebration by winning the KS2 Cup.

Congratulations to all of our winners this week!