Celebration Assembly 22nd September 2023
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
Making a detailed map of a farm
Being creative in the art area
Excellent science work in naming birds
Excellent maths work and counting in twos
Producing a fantastic collage
Always being ready to learn and generally being fabulous
For super effort throughout the day and being enthusiastic about school
For settling in confidently and super spellings
Buddy Awards
Buddy awards went to:
Albie for helping a friend get ready for home time
Sumaya for supporting others to segment words when writing
Mia for helping a friend write down a song
Sophia for helping a friend in PE
KS1 Computing Award
This week the award was presented to 1MV. Congratulations 1MV!
KS2 Awards
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children for:
Thinking carefully about a new topic
Having a positive attitude to writing and making positive changes through editing
Making improvements in writing
Always being focused
Asking for help in maths
Helping with IT jobs and supporting younger children
Giving cross country running a real go
Trying again to be more successful in maths
Giving effort to every lesson
Taking feedback and wanting to do even more
Always being ready to learn
Listening carefully to instructions
Always smiling and taking part as well as using one’s imagination
KS2 Computing Award
This week the award was presented to 5A – great job 5A!
Pen Licences
A pen licence was presented to Beth in Year 4.
Attendance slipped further this week, largely due to a few coughs and colds. Hopefully next week will be a healthier one to get us back above 96%. 4D and 1MV were our only classes above 96% so it will be of no surprise that they were our two attendance trophy winners. Well done to both classes!
Team Points
Another change at the top this week as a strong performance from Caernarfon has seen them climb to the summit.
With only 10 points separating all four teams it has been an incredibly tight start to the year. The race for the Friars Cup is certainly on...