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Celebration Assembly – 26th November 2021

It was another great week in KS1 and KS2 this week with certificates being awarded for a range of outstanding reasons including great maths work, using verbs and adjectives brilliantly in sentences, much improved handwriting, great focus and application in assessment tests and for creating amazing poetry. There were also awards given for super voice projection and beautiful singing during our Christmas production rehearsals.

In KS2, an especially big well done to Abigail (3JD) and Harvey (6D) for earning their pen licences. This is awarded to children displaying consistently beautiful and correctly formed handwriting over a number of weeks, so it is really well earned! Our sports teams also received special awards for their efforts representing the school this week.

Over the last two weeks, Year 6 have been completing their ‘Bikeability’ training and the teachers have celebrated the effort, the progress and the resilience demonstrated by all of the children. However, other strong areas recognised by the ‘Bikeability’ instructors were the good manners, politeness and behaviour of every child taking part. Rowan (6G) in particular, was praised for ‘some of the best manners the instructors had ever seen’.

Well done to all of Year 6, you have done yourselves and the school proud over the last fortnight!

In the same vein, our KS1 Buddy awards were awarded this week for giving friends compliments, using kind words and for telling their friends ‘you can play with me anytime’.

In KS1, we awarded well over 30 keyword certificates and congratulations also go to our ‘Rainbow Readers’ who earned one of our Rainbow awards for extra reading at home with parents and carers. Well done!

This week’s celebrations also included a gold medal certificate to Skyla for learning all of her key words.

Our PE Superstars this week were Class 3ML who demonstrated great teamwork and sportsmanship in their PE lessons and Robbie (6D) who won the Individual PE Superstar award.

Special assembly shout outs went to our fabulous Year 6 lunchtime helpers from this week, Mohammed and Isabella and also Harvey in 1B.

Class 2B won the KS1 Attendance Cup with 96.1% and Class 5BW were awarded the KS2 Attendance Cup for their best in school figure of 97.4%.

For the second week running, Stirling, our blue team won the KS1 Team Cup and Caernarfon, our yellow team, took the KS2 cup. Well done to Stirling and Caernarfon and let’s see if Stormont and Windsor are up to the challenge next week.

Congratulations to all of our winners this week!


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