Celebration Assembly – 2nd December 2022
§We had another great celebration assembly acknowledging all of the great learning that has happened in Friars over the last week.
KS1 awards
KS1 children were awarded certificates for their super science work, their explanations in maths, the improvements made in their writing and their independent learning. While other children were recognised for their problem solving skills, their marvellous mental maths and for brilliance in their times tables.

Buddy awards
Our KS1 buddies were nominated by their class mates for demonstrating kindness, helpfulness and for being a good role model to others when lining up. Thank you Buddies!

Rainbow Readers
Our Rainbow Readers this week were Ralph, Oscar, Thomas and Sienna from 1BU.
Assembly Shout Outs
This week a special assembly shout out went to Oscar in 1BU for sharing his outstanding knowledge of countries and oceans around the world when looking at a globe with Mr Burnham.
KS2 Awards
This week we had another great range of certificates awarded across the curriculum. Awards were given for;
Great collaborative working
Super cricket skills
Listening to instructions and responding to them
Always self-correcting and improving their work
Demonstrating great RE knowledge
Brilliant maths shape work
Giving extra effort in reading
Greater participation in class discussions
Showing resilience and team work in PE
Selecting excellent vocabulary in their written work
Successfully measuring and drawing angles in maths
Creating a superb Egyptian amulet from clay

Pen Licence
Huge congratulations go to Kyran, for earning his pen licence this week for sustained brilliant handwriting across all of his work. Very well deserved Kyran!

Computing Award
The computing class of the week were Class 5BW this week who were so well behaved, so independent and so helpful towards Mrs Pinckney, when she felt unwell. Sean collected the award on behalf of his class. Thank you 5BW.

There was also a special award in computing given this week, as Kyle, who had previously been unsuccessful in his application, finally earned his badge and status as one of the digital leaders for his class. Kyle is a true testament to the fact that if you truly believe in yourself and show such passion for anything you put your mind to, you will be rewarded in the end. Congratulations Kyle and welcome to the team!

Our two mathemagicians this week were Edward and Oliver, who respectively, were recognised for showing increased confidence to work out any miscalculations independently and for always persevering to get good results.

Sports Super Stars
This week our Sports Super Stars were our Year 5/6 Boys football team and our Panathlon Swimming team. Well done and congratulations to both groups of sporting Super Stars.

Special Assembly Shout Outs
This week our assembly shout outs went to;
Rocky (5BW) for great effort in our cricket skills workshop with Essex Cricket, from what we hear, a posisble England player of the future!
The whole of Year 6 received a shout out for their brilliant attitude, hard work, concentration and determination to produce their outstanding William Morris inspired, cushions for their DT project. They look amazing!
Year 6 were also recognised for their great effort and behaviour during their Winter Wonderland session with the parents this week.
For the second week running, Class 2S won the KS Attendance Cup with 95%. The best attendance in school and winners of the KS2 Attendance Cup were Class 4S with 97%.
This week we were hit heavily by a lot of coughs, colds, sickness and temperatures as our attendance only reached 89%. We wish everybody well and are hoping for a healthier week next week.

Team Points
In KS1 the team cup was shared by Windsor and Sterling teams this week, while our KS2 winners, Caernarfon ran away with the Team Cup, 8 points ahead of their nearest rivals.
Sterling remain well out in front, in the race for the Friars Cup but last year’s winners Caernarfon, have made ground on Stormont in second place this week after a bumper points haul.

Congratulations to all of our winners this week!