Celebration Assembly 6th October 2023
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
Using adjectives in their writing
For improvements with handwriting
For always being ready to start in lessons
Huge improvement in their learning behaviour and handwriting
Always sitting smartly and being ready to learn
Drawing an excellent portrait in the style of Picasso
Working independently in maths
Extended sentences in English
Super vocabulary in science
Buddy Awards
Buddy awards went to:
Sonny for helping a friend when his OPAL building fell down
Anna-Leigh for being a great friend
KS2 Awards
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children for:
Thoughtful conversations about respect
Concentrating and using self-control to not be distracted
Writing using formal language
Showing determination
Working hard to get good results in maths
Real enthusiasm in French and helping peers in the lesson
Maximum effort into work
Sharing good practice in class
KS2 Computing Award
This week the award was presented to 4D – Great job 4D for really using the strategies you have learnt.
Last week we were unfortunately down to 91% which was surprisingly low and not what we are used to here at Friars. This week we bounced back to above 93% but this is still lower than where we need to be... Come on Friars... we can do it.
Could 1MV make it 5 weeks in a row in winning the KS1 attendance cup…? Unfortunately, they couldn't. Four weeks was quite an achievement and whilst they weren't first... they were second!
This week's winner in KS1 was 2S with 96.5%. In KS2 it was a win for 6L. Well done to both classes.
Team Points
Caernarfon went into this week with a 14 point lead and they have extended this by a further 13 points! Caernarfon now lead by 27 points from Stirling who are in second place. Stirling are another 3 points adrift, with Stormont bringing up the rear.
Well done to all of our teams for working so hard over the past week. Only two weeks to go before half term... will Caernarfon lead then?!