Celebration Assembly – 7th January 2022
Wow – what a week with certificates being awarded across the school for a whole host of brilliant reasons.
Year 1 started our assembly giving certificates for hard work in PSHE, confidence when sorting odd and even numbers, great handwriting effort and computing expertise! It was lovely to hear how children in Year 2 have improved their independence this week as well as using their great segmenting skills to spell accurately and in Year 3 it was a celebration of super English and maths work and having a great attitude to their learning that earned children awards. Year 4 winners had demonstrated greater participation in class discussions, improved handwriting and determination in maths, while one child was described as being a ‘super reliable class member’ for her award. Year 5 certificates were given for super punctuation work, helping others and for being a good member of the class, while 5BW got a whole class award for their brilliant effort in this week’s French lesson. Finally, we heard how Year 6 had got to grips with some challenging area and perimeter work as well as writing some excellent biographies about Martin Luther King. 6D were also recognised as a class for their very sensible, collaborative and enthusiastic approach to their survival skills lesson with Mr Brady’s during outdoor learning this week.
A big well done to all of our certificate winners below;
Iqra & Felicity (1B), Peter & Stanley (1C), Brody & Ila-Rose (2S), Esme & Cecilia (2B), Freddie & Jake (3ML), Faith & Zac (3JD), Jessica & Rebecca (4B), Armani & Gracie (4S), Alec & Billy N (5VW), The whole class & Braiden (5BW), The whole class, Brooke & Grace (6D) and Max, Patrycja & Xavier (6G).
A buddy award was awarded to Oliver in 1B for being so helpful in assisting his peers when logging on for the first time during their computing session.
Two violet ‘Rainbow Reader’ awards were given to Marcie (2S) and Lathan (2B) for super effort in reading at home.
While in KS2, we awarded pen licences to Evie & Ola (5VW) and Holly & Grace (6D) for brilliant, consistently well-joined handwriting.
Shout Outs
Our assembly shout outs this week went to;
Oscar (1B), All of Year 1, Class 3ML, Class 4B, Mrs Eastment & Mrs Kipling, Year 5, Class 5BW, our lunchtime helpers in Year 6, Brooke & Mikaylla and the whole of Class 6G.
PE Super Stars
This week’s PE super star awards went to Class 5VW for showing great sportsmanship in PE and the individual sports superstars were Tate and Hunter in 1B for demonstrating excellent catching skills and technique.
As expected, overall school attendance was down this week but Class 2S won the KS1 Attendance Cup with 95.4% and Class 3ML were awarded the KS2 Attendance Cup recording, a best in school figure of 96.4%.
Team Points
This week it was the turn of our green team, Stormont to run away with the KS1 team cup, while in KS2 it was a closer battle, that saw Stirling, our blue team triumphant!
Congratulations to all of our winners this week!