Celebration Assembly – 7th October 2022
Another fantastic celebration of the hard work, attitude and learning that takes place at Friars each and every week.
Key Stage 1
Across Key Stage 1, the children were recognised for rising to the challenge in maths when adding 2 digit numbers, for building their confidence in phonics, for super participation in class discussions about the artist Picasso and for completing their homework so successfully.
There were also awards for eagerness towards their learning, being ready to listen and learn and for being super mathematicians!
Well done KS1.
Buddy awards
Our KS1 Buddies were recognised for showing a kind and caring nature to everybody in our school community, by helping classmates in computing and reading and also for helping their friends when they were sad. Thank you to our buddies!
Key Stage 2
In Lower KS2, the children were rewarded for a variety of great reasons including; having great manners, being kind and hardworking, for persevering when things are challenging and for their all-round excellent attitude to their work.
There were also certificates given for excellent effort in English, amazing bridging and exchanging in their addition and subtraction maths work, fabulous presentation and for devising great historical Stone Age questions.
Our Upper KS2 children wowed their teachers with their reading stamina, extra geography work at home, consistently great behaviour and effort and for independent effort in their best extended writing work. Teachers also recognised brilliant handwriting, the quality of shared writing and super observational drawing, while the whole of Class 5BW received a certificate in recognition of their renewed good manners and respectfulness.
Great job KS2!
Computer Class of the Week
The Computer Class of the Week Award was won by 6G this week, for their consistent eagerness to learn and overall enthusiasm to the subject of computing. Leilu and Ethan collected the award on behalf of the class.
Our Mathemagicians!
This week, Mrs Pinckney recognised Mark for the improved quality of his maths work and Henley ‘The Human Calculator’ for his amazing mental maths work.
Pen Licences
Well done to Thomas, Alfie B, Jeffrey, McKenzie, Jae, Oliver W and Daisy of 6B for earning their pen licences, one of our hardest awards to earn as amazing handwriting needs to be demonstrated across all work and across a period of time. Well done!
Sports Superstars
Our Sports Superstars were the children that represented the school so well at the cross-country competition this week. Both our KS1 and KS2 teams, raced against over 100 children in each race and Mrs Axelson explained how each and every one of the children gave maximum effort and never gave up to earn their certificates – Well done Team Friars!
Our attendance was hit by seasonal bugs and viruses doing the rounds this week, but well done to Classes 2B and 5BW who won the KS1 and KS2 Attendance Cups respectively, both with just under 95% attendance.
Team Points
Stirling made sure that ‘blue’ was the colour as they won the KS2 Team Cup and shared the KS1 Team Cup with Stormont.
Stirling are still out in front in our race for the Friars Cup but it’s still very early days and with each team now over the 100 point mark, there are lots more points still to be won.
Congratulations to all of our winners this week!