Celebration Assembly 25th October 2024
KS1 and KS2
This week in our KS1 and KS2 assemblies we gave out our termly certificates. These are certificates that are given to recognise the hard work of individuals from each class. Well done to everyone who received a certificate this time around.
This half-term we have seen attendance really improve compared to last year, with our school percentage almost hitting 95%. Please continue to support us with our efforts to hit our target of 96%.
Spin the Wheel has been a huge success this half-term although nobody had a spin this week. Attendance winners of the week were Starlings in Key Stage 2 and 3A in Key Stage 2. 3A were above 97% as were 3B and 4G. We now have a number of classes poised to spin on the next occasion they achieve 97% or more... Including 3B who have already had a spin this term.
This term's attendance has been much improved compared to last year. Our current whole school attendance stands at 95% just 1% off our school target.
Team Points
There has been some toing and froing over the past eight weeks between our reds, greens and blues. Who would lead us into the holiday was the big question. Well, we can announce that it is... still our red team Windsor. This week, Caernarfon won in Key Stage 1 and in Key Stage 2 it was Caernarfon and Windsor. After the first half-term the gap between fourth and first is only 35 points. With five-sixths of the year to go, there is a long time left in the race.
