Celebration Assembly 29th September 2023
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
Fantastic effort in writing
Showing resilience
Acting upon advice
Giving super contributions in class
Enjoying writing
Sitting beautifully and being ready to learn
Being very helpful and tidying up
Excellent focus in English and Maths
Buddy Awards
Buddy awards went to:
Harrison for helping a friend to spell a word
Gracie for just being a super friend
Buddy for helping friends outside
Delilah for helping tie someone’s shoelaces
KS2 Awards
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children for:
Fantastic librarian work – helping every day!
Writing focus and having a positive attitude to do more at home
Excellent arithmetic skills
Enthusiasm during maths learning and making valuable contributions
Super participation
Providing profound and deep answers in RE
Hard work and effort
Effort in learning about Roman numerals
Challenging oneself when writing
Methodical approaches
Writing an interesting conversation
Being supportive to peers
Working hard in English in all areas
KS2 Computing Award
This week the award was presented to 6L – well done 6L! This was for their research into a new topic.
Attendance was the lowest it has been in the first four weeks at 91%. This is far below our 96% target. We know that there have been a few colds, coughs and other things going around so let’s cross our fingers that everyone is better next week. It is vitally important that children are in school as much as possible as there is a direct link between good attendance and good progress. Please remember that holidays must not be booked during school time and cannot be approved.
Our winning classes this week were 1MV and 3KA, with both classes achieving 95.7%. Amazingly 1MV have won the trophy every week so far… 4 consecutive weeks! We don’t think this has ever happened before. A massive congratulations to 1MV! Come on 1B, 2G and 2S… can you topple them next week?
Team Points
Caernarfon had a narrow lead last week but they have extended their advantage over the past 5 school days. It will be important that Windsor, Stormont and Stirling prevent Caernarfon from building up too much of an early lead. 14 points is still a very small margin but our yellow team definitely need to be watched carefully…!