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Jeans for Genes

On Friday 23rd September 2016, it was ‘Genes for Jeans’ day, where all the children and the staff were able to wear jeans (or alternative trousers) to school.

The children entered the hall busting a groove. They then watched two clips from the ‘Genes for Jeans’ website; the first clip explained what genes were; the second shared a short clip from the life of a young boy with a genetic disorder, helping the children to understand the purpose of wearing their jeans to school and giving a small donation to the charity.

There are between 4,000 and 6,000 diagnosed genetic disorders.

It is estimated that one in 25 children is affected by a genetic disorder and therefore 30,000 babies and children are newly diagnosed in the UK each year.

Some genetic disorders are apparent at birth while others are diagnosed at different stages throughout childhood, and sometimes into adulthood.

The monies raised by schools and workplaces on Jeans for Genes Day fund a range of initiatives that improve the lives of children affected by a genetic disorder.

The charity run an annual grant programme that is open to all UK charities and patient groups caring for children with genetic disorders.

They develop resources for schools to make pupils more aware and empathetic of the difficult lives that children with genetic disorders lead.

They also fund the work of Genetic Disorders UK, the national charity dedicated to supporting families affected by genetic disorders.

For more information please visit

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