Young Voices - O2
On Monday 16th January the choir met in the music room to get ready to go to the O2. We were all very excited and just wanted to go without a delay. Once we had all got on our young voices t-shirts, we headed to the office ready to get on the coach and set off to the O2. With our lunch and dinner in hand, we all went outside to get onto our nice comfy coach. Soon we were on our way. Mrs Lincoln knew it would be a long 2 hour journey so she brought polos for the polo challenge. The challenge went on for about half an hour. In the end Sophie Harvey won!
Soon we saw the O2 and so we got very excited. Josie, Sophie, Ruby and Tegan all then started to sing random songs in the back of the coach. We eventually parked the bus and then walked up to the O2. When we arrived into the O2, we waited outside for a little bit then we were soon in and eating lunch. Once we had finished our lunch it was time to practise with the other schools.
We were introduced to our conductor and then we started to sing our first song called ‘Five Little Guys named Moe’. We all loved this song so we sung it beautifully therefore we were soon moving on and singing the next song which was Bird House in my Soul. We were then introduced to a dance group called Urban Strides. They were very good at dancing!! After this we then sung another song and another then we stopped for a little while so we could say hello to a lady could Natalie Williams. She was the one who told us how many children there were there all together. Altogether there were 7139 children!!! It was so amazing.
Soon practice was over so we ate dinner. As we were so hungry we didn’t need to get out of our seats we just ate dinner where we were. We all shared Josie's Pringles, which were delicious, but then parents started coming in, we had our last trip to the toilets and then we sat down and got ready.
A lady came on and introduced Urban Strides who opened our concert for us. They did an amazing dance and then we started to sing our first couple of songs. The audience loved them and gave us a loud round of applause. After this some beat boxers called the Beat Box Collectives came on and sung a song with us and then did a separate little act about waking up in the morning. It was so amazing that they could make such cool noises with their mouths. Next a man came out who taught us our actions back at school and told us to sing a song and copy Urban Strides dance moves. This was so much fun. Then we challenged the parents to a dance off. We won!!
Next Natalie Williams came out and sang I have life and told us to join in if we could. It was great fun. Then we sang another song in Welsh. A man called Tabby Callaghan came out and helped us sing one of our songs. After this, sadly, it was time for our last song. Everyone came out and sang with us a song called Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. Then it was time to leave.
Once we had been called out we left the actual arena and sat down for a little while but we then were on our way again shortly. On the way back it was much quieter than on the way there. It felt much longer on the way back than it did on the way there as well. We did the polo challenge but it wasn’t really a challenge as some people fell asleep. We arrived back at school at 11:30pm. All of us had to try to stay awake to be collected by our parents. We all loved peforming and were very proud of ourselves. We would easily do it again if we had the chance. I think all of us will be doing it next year.