World Book Day
Friars celebrated World Book day with a whole week of reading based fun around the theme, “Do Something Booky”. Throughout the week the children took part in reading activities such as ‘drop everything and read’, library visits and class stories read by a mystery guest. We also had the travelling book fair in school all week. A big thank you to everybody who bought books, as proceeds from the book fair will go towards buying top quality books for our own school library.
On the Wednesday of Book Week , over 120 parents of children in Reception to Year 3 visited the school for a reading workshop and the opportunity to read with their children in class.
For World Book Day itself, there were some fabulous costumes with our winners receiving a book of their choice from the travelling book fair. There was also a themed cinema lunch and a very popular cake sale!
Across the week there were competitions, in Key Stage 1 to design a wooden spoon book character and in Key Stage 2 to make a prop from their favourite book. We had some magnificent entries. Well done to all of our winners who also received a book of their choice.
Thank you to all the Friars children, parents and staff who make events like this happen!