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Careers Week

What an exciting week it has been for the children! 

We have budding engineers in Years 5 and 6 who want to work on planes, trains, F1 cars and robotics. We even had a Year 5 child wanting to develop the first ever electric plane! Year 4 were really enthused by Dan from Group 1 BMW – he told the children about all the different routes into the industry and the selection of job roles available. They were then very excited to sit in a very luxurious car.

Year 3 children have also had an interesting visit from a physiotherapist and occupational therapist.

Year 5 were lucky to have a cooking workshop and found out there are lots of ways to use cooking as a career.

Year 2 and 3 also had a video tour and talk from Ollie about CNH in Basildon. The children saw different machines that are used and what to look out for when they’re walking down the road or going for a drive.

Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 also had a very exciting time in Little City, playing at a number of different job roles.

Thank you to all our visitors that have been in – let’s see what next year brings!


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