Celebration Assembly 12th June 2023
With the Dogs Trust visiting the school on Friday last week our celebration assembly was held over until today but it didn’t stop us hearing about all of the great things that happened last week.
KS1 awards
In Year 1, we heard how children had joined in class discussions with more confidence and had suggested lots of uses for materials in science. Children were also recognised for settling quickly to their work, greater independent learning, writing stories independently and giving great examples of how materials work in another science related award.
A number of the awards in Year 2 were based around writing. Certificates were awarded for writing a letter successfully, having a super writing attitude, great independence in maths and for super effort in their writing work.

Buddy awards
Our Buddies this week were Anna-Leigh, Dylan, Zac and Benjamin who were recognised by their classmates for kindness, helping their friends and for being a good friend to others.

KS2 Awards
In Year 3, children were awarded for their excellent effort in writing, consistently following the rules of the classroom, demonstrating outstanding behaviour and always showing kindness and helpfulness to others. The whole of Class 3MV were also recognised for their increased confidence and positive attitudes towards swimming.
Children in Year 4 were recognised by Mr Hill during his time spent with class 4D for working really hard throughout the week, showing excellent concentration, creating fantastic descriptive writing and working independently to structure some brilliant sentences.

The children in Year 5 shared good descriptive writing ideas across their group, demonstrated amazing perseverance in maths and had a great all round attitude to their learning. Additionally, a big well done to our two maths wizards, Toby and Rosie who impressed Mrs Pinckney with their all-round mathematical brilliance.
Year 6 awards were given to children who have shown brilliant learning in their science, using their knowledge to create a new species of mammal. There were also certificates for amazing effort to self-edit writing and for continuous enthusiasm during class discussions.

Computing Class of the week
This week 6G were recognised in computing by Mrs Pinckney for their all-round focus and attitude during their lesson last week. Well Done 6G. As the class digital leaders, Leilu, Forrest and Joshua collected the award on behalf of the class.

Shout Outs
This week our shout outs went to two children who have excelled in sporting competitions outside of school.
Sophie (Year 4) took part in a cheerleading event winning her individual event and then hearing the great news that her cheerleading squad had been awarded the ‘Grand Champion’ award. Well done Sophie!

Our second shout out went to Aaron, who was awarded the ‘Golden Glove’ award for his football team due to his outstanding 16 clean sheets in 22 games. Aaron also showed us his overall season award as well. Great Job Aaron!

Our final special school shout out was for Mrs Lynch this week who completed the Southend Half marathon at the weekend. Super achievement Mrs Lynch!
This week the attendance cup was shared between Class 2S and 1BU this week, both with a lower than usual figure of 91%.
Despite our whole school attendance dipping to 91% last week, Class 5A recorded an amazing 98% attendance.
Team Cups
Blue was the colour as Stirling took the win in both the KS1 and KS2 team cups to take their points tally past the 1000 points mark.
With only 5 weeks to go – it’s certainly looking good for Stirling to be the favourites to lift the Friars Cup!

Well done to all of our certificate winners this week.