Celebration Assembly – 14th January 2022
Achievement Certificates
Our Friars celebrations just keep getting better as the children continue to amaze us with their effort, determination, hard work and attitude. Well done to all of our children and let’s keep it going as we continue through the spring term.
This week certificates were again awarded for a host of brilliant reasons. In KS1 we saw awards for: using finger spaces correctly, great odds and evens work, being brilliant shadow detectives in science, successfully using expanded noun phrases, following instructions correctly and for being a maths superstar.
A big well done to all of our KS1 certificate winners below;
Tommy & Avie (1B), Millie & Daisy (1C), Remmy & Logan (2S) and Ryan & Chris (2B),
In KS2 there were equally as good reasons for certificates to be awarded, these included: super rewriting of a story, generating great ideas, super conversation work, perseverance in music, improvements in handwriting, trying to be the absolute best they can be in all of their learning, determination in maths, being a superb computer programmer, working hard and being extra reliable, writing brilliant persuasive letters, improving spelling by using their personal dictionary, amazing map work, writing well-structured newspaper reports about Rosa Parks and for creating thought provoking versions of Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech.
Congratulations to all of our KS2 certificate winners below;
Destiny & Bartley (3ML), Darcey, Sean & Edward (4B), Travis, Emily & Ayah (4S), Billy B (5VW), Thomas & Ellie (5BW), Tyler H & Harry (6D) and Warren & Mohammad (6G).
The whole of class 6G were given a certificate for their great teamwork during outdoor learning and it was especially lovely to see Hollie in 5VW receive an award for always being a good friend, one that is always polite and helpful.
Shout Outs
Our assembly shout outs this week went to;
The whole of Classes 1C, 2S, 2B and 6D– Arnolds (5BW) and our amazing lunchtime helpers of the week – Mohammad and Jenna (Year 6)
Mrs Pinckney also wanted to recognise the brilliant patience and team working in Class 5BW this week during their computing lesson. Every member of the class was willing to help and support each other to successfully connect and program the microcontrollers between groups. Thanks 5BW for being great role models to the rest of the school.
PE Super Stars
6D were awarded this week’s PE super star class awards for demonstrating outstanding sportsmanship and attitude in PE. While the individual sports superstars were Marcus and Kingsley, who not only showed off their team work skills but also their total engagement and focus in their hockey lessons this week.
Well done to 2S with 93.9% attendance this week and 6G who recorded a best in school, 98.6% attendance to win our KS1 and KS2 attendance cups respectively.

Team Points
Stirling (blue) were the runaway winners this week in KS1 to take the Team points cup, while in KS2, it was a close battle that saw Stirling and Caernarvon (yellow) share the cup.

Congratulations to all of our winners this week!