Celebration Assembly 14th June 2024
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
super science vocabulary
excellent team points
improvement in maths
excellent reading
creating a wonderful poster
creation story pictures in RE
Excellent effort in swimming for 1MV
always doing early morning work independently
Buddy Awards went to…. Beth, Ellen, Sophia and Freddie I.
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our children for:
focus and attention on work
amazing cooperation and maturity
great narrative writing
stepping in at Borough Sports as a last-minute replacement
excellent manners when taking lunch
great questioning skills
excellent homework project
determination and focus in writing
detail in writing
extra effort in learning
Special mentions went to:
the non-Thriftwood Year 5 children for being great all week and especially at the beach.
Borough Sports children for great effort
Choir children
A busy morning in our school office and Year 5 being out on the Thriftwood Residential, meant a decision was made to share the attendance results on Monday. Watch out for next week’s newsletter which will mention ‘double attendance’.
Team Points
This week saw the yellow team triumph in Key Stage 1 and the green team in Key Stage 2. With Windsor not being at the top in either key stage, it does mean their overall lead has narrowed a little. 34 points is certainly not insurmountable and one of the other teams could still topple the reds…
