Celebration Assembly - 15th October
Well done to our award winners pictured below from KS1 and KS2 this week it was great to be able to celebrate all of the brilliant work and attitudes seen across the school.
A special mention goes to Billy, Corey, Tyler, Joshua, Leilu, Alec, Gracie, Harry and Bella for receiving their pen licences for consistently great handwriting.
This week our KS1 Buddies were nominated by their classmates for being great friends, helping people when they were sad and for always making sure children have somebody to play with, Thank you for being such good role models for our school!
It was also great to be able to celebrate the children who have represented our school in sports this week. Our football and tag rugby teams all received certificates from Mr Telling in recognition of their efforts and team work.
Congratulations also go to 6D who won the PE sportsmanship trophy this week for all working together to get good results. The individual awards went to Toby and Anakin, also of 6D, for their brillaint performances in basketball lessons this week.
Special assembly shout outs this week went to George (Reception), Harvey (1B), Michael (1C), Oscar, Emelia, Bow, Faye, Ryan, Layla and Tilly (all 3ML), Daisy and Emily (both 4S), Emily (6D), Tyler R, Mikaylla and Jazmin (all in Year 6)
In Key Stage 1, the attendance cup was won by Class 2S with 93.7%
While the KS2 attendance cup was shared by our year 5 classes, 5BW and 5VW both with an impressive figure of 98.3%
Team points this week were won by Stormont (Green) in KS1, while Caernarvon (Yellow) and Stirling (Blue) shared the cup in KS2.
Congratulations to all of our winners this week!