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Celebration Assembly 17th January 2025


This week in our KS1 assembly, certificates were given to Lukas, Jake, Oscar, Kasey-Rae, Katherine, Henry, Bobby and Olivia for the following reasons:

  • good reading and comprehension

  • excellent writing

  • amazing independence in English

  • segmenting words to spell

  • improvement in the quality and quantity of writing

  • acting upon feedback in writing

Buddy Awards were given to Beatrice, Damian, Ivy and Aubrey.


This week in our KS2 assembly, certificates were given to Thomas, Kenza, Benji, Gracie, Amelia, Chase, Felicity, Harley, Saya, Luarda, Rosie, Vincent, Marcie, Tyrese, Parker, Jacob, Chazo and Maisie for the following reasons:

  • excellent calculations work

  • confidence and engagement

  • great work ethic

  • extra learning practice at home

  • contributions in class

  • concentration and effort in writing

  • improved presentation

  • conversion work

  • determination and perseverance

  • improved writing

  • reading contributions

  • positive attitude

  • helping and taking on extra responsibility

  • good focus

  • resilience in maths

Computing Class of the Week were… 5L


School attendance for the week was up to 95.8% which is great news after some lower weeks either side of the Christmas break. Winners this week were Starlings in Key Stage 1 and 4G in Key Stage 2. Starlings winning percentage of 99.2% is certainly worth a special mention… so close to 100!

Four classes received stickers for Spin the Wheel; Starlings, 3A, 4G and 5L. Well done to all four. No one had a spin this week but maybe next week…

Team Points

The overall points totals this week between three teams were very, very close. There was only 1 point separating Windsor, Caernarfon and Stirling. Windsor and Stirling both had 32 with Caernarfon taking the overall win with 33. Stormont were adrift this week with 18. That means there was a swing between third and fourth with Caernarfon overtaking Stormont.

In Key Stage 1, Stirling were the winners and in Key Stage 2 it was a tie between Windsor and Caernarfon.

Good luck for next week!



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