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Celebration Assembly – 30th September 2022

A super week of learning this week and some record breaking news in our KS1 keyword awards.

Key Stage 1

This week our Year 1 winners were recognised for offering good ideas during carpet discussions, coming up with very thoughtful RE questions and for demonstrating some amazing problem solving in maths.

Year 2 children received awards for their independence in writing, for writing super alternative stories for ‘The 3 Little Pigs’ and for demonstrating first class concentration.

Buddy awards

This week our KS1 buddies were recognised for helping each other and looking after their friends when they were upset. Thank you for being good buddies to others.

Key words

Wow…after an amazing effort in key words last week, we thought that things couldn’t get any better…but we were wrong! This week we smashed last week’s total by awarding 67 key word certificates to our Year 2 children, going to show that if you put in the effort to learn your words both in school and at home that you will reap the rewards. Huge congratulations go to Tommy, Jonathan and Hunter who have earnt their gold medals for knowing ALL of their key words.

Key Stage 2

In Year 3 this week, certificates were awarded for improved effort to join in class discussions, for creating a fabulous historical ‘Stone Age’ menu, for listening closely to and acting upon feedback and for always being all round ‘fabulous’.

Year 4 winners were recognised for the super work completed with Ms Murphy, fabulous independent learning, for writing a well thought out letter in English, for never giving up with some tricky challenges and for offering fantastic ideas in discussions.

Our Year 5 children had shown a brilliant work ethic in maths, great focus and independent learning, perseverance and helpfulness towards others. Awards were also given for being an all-round hard worker!

This week, all of our Year 6 children were recognised for the effort shown in their first practice SATs test. Individual Year 6 children were also awarded for their perseverance to keep going with some very challenging writing, for capturing their audience’s attention with their writing, for improved attitude, participation and work ethic and for their careful planning and personalisation of their artwork linked to William Morris, the Victorian artist.

Computer Class of the Week

This week it was Class 3JD who caught Mrs Pinckney’s eye to win the Computing Class of the week award for having ‘one of the best computing lessons ever’ to create their focused, amazing posters.

Our Mathemagicians!

A big well done to Kingsley and Oskar who received maths awards from Mrs Pinckney this week. Oskar for his renewed focus in his maths lessons and Kingsley for the outstanding maths skills shown to solve multiple problems and also ‘rework’ his answers to double check them. Great job!

Assembly Shout Outs

Well done to Class 6G who received a whole class shout-out for the amazing behaviour, focus and enthusiasm shown in their music lesson this week.

A big thank you goes to Bella and Jeffrey in Year 6 from Mr Roche for collecting and calculating the team points each week. They are a great help!

Pen Licences

Well done to Freddie, Faye and Alyssa of Class 4D for earning their pen licences. They have certainly impressed their teachers with their determination to use well formed, correctly sized and spaced handwriting in all of their work. A great achievement!


Our overall school attendance stood at 93% again this week but in KS1, it was Class 1BU who won the Attendance Cup with 97.5%.

However, the best attendance in school this week was recorded by Class 6B as they registered 99.5% to win the KS2 Attendance Cup with an almost perfect figure.

Team Points

Stirling (KS1) and Caernarvon (KS2) were the winners of our Team Cups this week.

With three of our four houses, now past the 100 points mark, Stirling remain out in front but are closely followed by Stormont after another good week.

The race for The Friars Cup is definitely getting more exciting each week, even at this early stage of the year.

Congratulations to all of our winners this week!


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