Celebration Assembly – 4th March 2022
Wow, what a week! This week we had extra assemblies and activities going on as part of our Book week, but all of the fun still didn’t stop our children showing off the great things they have been doing in the classroom and we celebrated some great achievements in line with our Friars core values.
In KS1, all of our winners had demonstrated success and great learning across the week. Well done to the children below who had impressed their teachers so much that they earnt one of our achievement certificates.
Two buddy awards were also given out for being good friends and helpful to other children in their classes.
It was great to also award several key word certificates to our Year 2 children, including a gold medal to Bluebella, who now knows all of her keywords!
In KS2 there were equally great reasons to give out awards and our children demonstrated perseverance, hard work and effort to impress their teachers and earn a certificate. Well done to our KS2 winners below.
Other awards
Congratulations go to Arnolds for earning his pen licence this week, a great achievement and to Maddie, Harry and Phoebe our individual Sports Superstars of the week, for their performances for the school football team. Well done to Class 4S for earning the Class PE award for the brilliant improvement seen in their gymnastic lessons.
Shout Outs!
This week our assembly ‘shout outs’ went to: All of Class 2S, All of Class 2B, Miss Baylis, Miss Johnson and Mrs Coella (Year 2), All of Class 5BW and our Year 6 lunchtime helpers, Brodie & Betsie. Thank you for your hard work this week.
Computing Awards
Mrs Pinckney also gave out certificates and prizes to the children that had participated in our computing pledge competition around safer internet usage.
Well done to the KS1 children below, including our KS1 winners, Harvey (Year 1) and Marcie (Year 2)…..…
and our KS2 participants including our winners, Emelia (Year 3), Reuben & Jessica (Year 4), Jeffrey (Year 5) and Rowan (Year 6)
In KS1, Class 2B took the attendance cup for the second week running with another best in school figure of 99%. In KS2 this week, it was the turn of 4B to win the cup, with an attendance figure of 98.7%. Well done to both classes.
Team Points
Our weekly team cups were won by Stormont in KS1 and Windsor & Stormont in KS2.
The race for the ‘Friars Cup’ is well and truly on, with Caernarfon still out in front but the other teams all closely following behind.
Congratulations to all of our winners this week!