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UPDATE: Our link with Atlanta school

After our wonderful week learning about Chinese New Year, 6B created a short film to send to the American children in Atlanta. The students explained that our week started with a visit from a Chinese dragon and they shared their thoughts on our Chinese inspired lunch menu. Some of the class also showed their Chinese lanterns and explained how they worked using their knowledge of simple circuits from year 4. After a little research, the children were able to share their Chinese zodiac signs where they were either born in the year of the pig or the rat. Also, Katie was inspired by our Mandarin lesson to further her learning at home and shared an introduction of herself on the film!

We were very excited to receive a film clip back so soon. Not only did we hear about their Chinese New Year celebrations but also how they have started their learning for Black History month. 6B look forward to letting them know that we have also been learning about some inspirational Americans and have learnt about the lives of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. It was also lovely to hear the American students talk about their focus on empathy and compassion in their grade level class and how these can be used in their everyday lives.

We are really enjoying hearing from our new friends and will continue this link after the half term holiday.


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