FRED Launch
On Monday we launched our exciting new reading project – FRED (Fathers Reading Every Day), which is designed to encourage dads to read with their nursery and reception aged children at home. The parents that came were given a presentation by Cassius Campbell from the Fatherhood Institute and heard how just five minutes of reading with a significant male role model can help your child do better in school, have higher self-esteem, build better relationships with other children, have good behaviour and grow into happier and more successful adults.
The dads (and mums) present were then able to go to the school library with their children to choose their first set of books.
A huge thank you to the parents that came to support this initiative. We look forward to seeing you at our celebration event in 4 weeks’ time, where you will receive your certificate and book to continue your reading journeys with your children!
BUT ITS NOT TOO LATE!!! If you are interested in joining our FRED scheme, we would love to welcome dads, grandads, uncles, older brothers (and mums, grandmas and aunties too!) – please speak to Mrs Glen, Mrs Eastment, Mrs Monk or Mr Roche for details.