Celebration Assembly
Congratulations to all of the children receiving certificates in our celebration assemblies this week.
Here are our Key Stage 1 achievement certificate winners and buddy leaf winners

….and here are the winners of awards in Key Stage 2

The attendance cups were won by Robins in lower school with an impressive 98.6% and 3T in Upper school with an even better 99.7%. Our attendance overall was 95.9% very close to our 96% target.
The team cups were won by Carnarvon and Stirling in Key Stage 1, while Stirling also claimed the most points in Key Stage 2, getting them off to a great start for the new term.
We also drew our movie lunch raffle for all of those children trying out our school meals this week. Congratulations to our 3 lucky winners that won a £20 Odeon Cinema voucher each.