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Celebration Assembly

This week it was brilliant to be able to hold our first face-to-face KS1 and KS2 celebration assemblies in over 18 months.

In Key Stage 1, certificates were awarded by the teachers for great achievement in class. These children had demonstrated hard work, good team skills and managing to keep going on something they found difficult. Congratulations to our winners below.

Buddy awards were also awarded to those children demonstrating helpfulness and kindness to others. Well done to our Buddy winners shown below.

In KS1, children also have the chance to earn their key word certificates and Rainbow Reading awards. Despite it being so early in the term, it was fantastic to give out some key word certificates in Year 2 this week.

KS2 children receive achievement certificates from their teachers for demonstrating good learning behaviours such as perseverance, resilience, responding to constructive criticism and great effort given to achieve good results.

There are also special class and individual awards given out each week to our PE superstars and with prolonged hard work and dedication, children can earn pen licences that are awarded for brilliant handwriting.

There are lots of other awards on offer, including computing award or a shout out, given by our staff to the children that have given maximum effort towards all of the different things that go on in school.

Further highlights of our assemblies include the Team Points Cup and the awarding of the Attendance Cup for the classes with the best attendance.

In KS1 this week, Windsor, our red team, won the team points cup and 2S walked away with the attendance cup with an impressive 99.3%.

In KS2, the year 5 classes shared the Attendance Cup with both 5VW and 5BW registering 98.7% and Caernarfon, our yellow team, took the Team Cup.

Well done to all of our winners!


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