Celebration Assembly 1st March 2024
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
Confidence in maths
Settling well into a new school
Using thought bubbles well in writing
Persevering with a building task
Great effort in creating ‘Van Gogh’ pictures
Showing great understanding in science
Thoughtful contributions to discussions
Buddy Awards went to… Remi, Gracie and Harper.
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our children for:
Good fractions work and being proactive and independent
Being very caring and considerate
Excellent focus and concentration
Showing positivity at all times
Fantastic story writing with a WWII theme
Superb emotive story writing
Excellent attitude towards learning
Interesting story writing including flashbacks
Attendance figures were up on the week before the half-term break with many classes above our 96% school target.
This week’s attendance winners were 2G in Key Stage 1 and 4D in Key Stage 2. A very special mention to our Owls class in Reception who had the best percentage of the week at 98.9%!
Team Points
This week in Key Stage 1, three teams were tied for top spot… Windsor, Stormont and Stirling. In Key Stage 2, it was an outright victory for Stirling! This all means that the gap between Stirling and Caernarfon has closed further. We are now into the second part of the school year and it is really ‘hotting’ up!