Celebration Assembly 2nd February 2024
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
using adjectives in poetry
amazing phonics and maths
great adjective and noun work
good observational drawing
great description in writing
super writing using the pronoun ‘I’
Excellent improvement in sentence work
Buddy Awards went to… Harper, Alvie, Rosie, Lyra-Mai and Albie.
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our children for lots of fantastic reasons, these included showing strong resilience and excellent effort in maths.
Both of our winning classes were heading towards 100% this week… In KS1 our winners were 2G. 2G have taken the trophy a number of times this year and they seem to be on a bit of a roll in doing well. You might remember that last week they were only 0.1% away from top spot.
In KS2 it was a win for 4S. After a long spell of not winning this is their second win over the past three weeks. Keep it going 2S!
Team Points
Wow! All four teams above 500 points now… the race is certainly hotting up. Caernarfon continue to lead the way with Windsor in second but there are only 50 points separating all four teams.
This week’s winners were Stirling in KS1 and it was a three-way tie in KS2 with Stirling, Stormont and Caernarfon sharing the honours.
