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Year 1 trip to Wat Tyler Park

Year 1 had an amazing trip to Wat Tyler Park on Tuesday. We did some pond dipping and found lots of different types of pond life creatures. We used nets to dip in the pond and then transferred what we had caught to a tray. From there, we looked carefully and fished the creatures out into smaller viewing pots. We had pond life identification pictures so we could match them to the pictures and find out what we had caught.

Amongst other things we caught sea snails, shrimp larvae, water spiders and even a really rare newt! The children were great, they followed all the safety instructions and took turns in their groups.

We also went on a sensory walk, using a mirror to get a view above us in the trees as we walked. We looked carefully at all the different colours and collected natural objects in different colours to make colour palettes.

We explored the many smelly plants that were in the garden, such as fennel, mint, curry plant, rosemary and sage. We picked bits of each and made our own perfume pots.

We made some journey strings which are pieces of string intertwined with natural objects that we collected on our walk.

The Year 1 children were fantastically well behaved and polite and represented Friars really well!

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